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After crashing in the 2014 Atlanta SX 450SX heat race, RCH/Suzuki’s Broc Tickle fought back to pass MotoConcepts’ Mike Alessi on the final lap for the final qualifying spot. One turn later, though, Alessi went for an ill-advised block pass and slammed into Tickle. Check out footage of the incident in the video above.
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Video by: FOX Sports
What a dog
First his brother is shinning lasers in villopotos eyes and now he is taking out other riders on purpose… he should be kicked out and his father
Alessi is a headcase!!! He cried like a baby a couple weeks ago when he won heat race like he just won the championship or something.Not to mention all the shady moves on the track.Personally I think hes a liability
It wasn’t a big deal when Stewart took out Anderson a few weeks ago so this isn’t a big deal either. The only reason it got any attention is because Alessi is unpopular and Tickle’s boss was in the booth. If t-boneing a rider is a big deal for one, it has to be a big deal for all.
BS the two racing incidents are 180deg different, Stewart was in his race line and Anderson and Stewart’s race lines came together. Allessi is clearly seen cutting straight across the race lines and you can clearly see him intentionally WHISKY THROTTLE THE bike aiming for a perfectly executed intentional T-BONE – Mike that was proof your a tiny minded thug and should have your AMA lic revoked!
You should leave the sport because your just in the way out there, Let the true SPORTSMAN compete. I think Shuffleboard might work for you….
Everyone needs to chill. Ricky has a bias and talks shit in the booth on nation television bc he’s a team owner. Get McGrath in there instead. And that’s what happens in racing, people bang bars and get after it. Anyone remember Tyler Evans?
Once again the Alessi’s involved in being cheapsters. This kid should have his head checked out. Luckily he didn’t shatter Tickle’s leg by inches , but the intention was there.
I was there. RC doesn’t commentate in the arena, so no influence there. Alessi was booed. Alessi straight took Tickle out, it didn’t appear to be an accident AT ALL! Alessi should just be a drag racer and avoid all interviews, then maybe he would have fans…
Fuck me , for those of u who r bagging out alessi , and have prob never raced b4 , alessi was setting up for a typical block pass ,like any other rider would of done taking that line , tickle squared the corner up and got on the gas quicky alessi bike is still straight when tickle hits him , it’s racing it’s not lawn bowls
milburn#17….shut your face punk…we all ride asshole….Alessi needs to go out on a fucken mission fields for a few months…go feed the hungry or something…so that he can finally grow up and value human beings other than himself….the whole team is fucked up and arrogant…Mike Genova is the king of the shit clan. He is an asshole, I met him after the supercross in seattle, we were all staying at the same hotel…..since then I understood that these type of people multiply and breed assholes…..great job Motoconcepts…you are getting all the recognition you’ve always wanted….too bad it’s of the worst type….but it’s true…..until perhaps one day…you all wake up!
ok….i have calmed down now….forgive me….i only met Gebnova once…..and he was an asshole…..as for the other 364 days of the year….maybe hes a nice guy…..so sorry for completely killing you guys….although i do think you all need to grow up…as i…..have a good day!
Think before yuo speak and have the facts about people and not just the way they seem to be after one view on TV, First of all Myself and a grooup of us up in Bellingham actually have gotten to know them quite well, They are an awesome team with an awesome crew. 2nd of all that wreck totaly looked like he took him out but if you see it again you can also see that something else happened, Both Mikes are awsome guys and really take the time to be very active with our youth race team giving them pointers, and other racing stuff for them to use . I have been around this for a long time and have seen the majority (nit all) of the young punks be punks. Dont get me wrong I would be the first to call out someone if I thought they were jackoffs. And racing is racing dont like to see anybody take anybody out deliberately but shit happens all the time, Just too bad this one looked bad but after talking to Mike and watching it I can see exactly what happened, Non intentional.
Ill be back in Seattle if you would like to talk about it – we’ll probably be over at Motoconcepts sight.
You’re an idiot, and either blind or you have no REAL racing experience. Stop talking as if you know what you’re talking about. Please and thank you.
EXACTLY!! His bike is still freakin straight! YOU obviously don’t ride or you would know what it would take to ride a corner like that. Why would his bike be T shaped to Tickle when Tickle was on the very outside of the track!? It wouldn’t moron! He would of had absolutely no time to turn. Alessi is just a sore loser and couldn’t handle someone else being better than him. But I guess if you want to be a fan of an idiot you have to be one first. Learn your facts before you talk shit. This wasn’t an accident.
Haha trying to pass it off as a block pass when tickle is already 3/4 past Alessi in the corner
You look where you want to go…his bike was upright and he was looking at Broc’s leg & rear wheel when he twisted the throttle and let the clutch out….and the brief interview with Mike afterward…definite immaturity and mental instability.
Someone seriously needs to take Alessi out for good. He will never make it to the podium, he is a bad sport with a bad attitude. At Redbud he was the only one flying through the pits with absolutely no regard for anyone. He almost ran me and my 5yr old son over and I’m sure he woulda just kept going. On the other hand I met broc tickle, and he was the nicest most down to earth racer I met at Redbud. He was nice enough to talk to my son like he really cared about the fans. Mike I hope ur ready cuz what comes around goes around and you gotta a lot of bad karma coming your way!
Come on now. That’s a little to much. Ya it looked like
mike might of got a little frustrated. good clean pass. then again mike rides with a
high brake lever. Its higher then most people have it.and if you watch closely it kinda looks like his leg hits the the tough block.which would of made it hard to hit the brake. Plus his tire didn’t lock up. If he were on the brake it would of locked. And he would of slid. Its just mike alessi always has some weird shit going on with him. Which people feed off. He wants to win so bad but he’s scared himself to do it.
I grew up racing against alessi before I shattered my neck n back. This kid n especially his dad are total drama queens n r very popular for the poor decision making they’ve been known for ever since alessi’s pro debut at millville. I know of many situations that most people don’t that would make people wana kick the alessi’s asses. Their immature n need to b dealt with.
Fans aren’t the only ones objecting to Alessi’s antics, the AMA doesn’t like it and said so with a fine and probation.
Alessi took Tickle out! There is no way he “accidentally” knocked Tickle out of the race. I can tell you that riding at the pro level, you get put down because the guy meant to put you down. We’re talking about guys that can ride the same line every single lap. Watching it over and over, Alessi didn’t make the effort to cut down and hit an inside line.
Milburn#17. Yes I race! I ride 450A and I promise you that if I did that, it was because that rider had taken me out recently. Alessi is way more talented than the average rider and that “block pass” you called it would have been executed by a D rider.
Mike totally “Lazered” him.
To those of you saying this was an accident, you might wanna watch the video in slow motion. This wasn’t an accident at all. Alessi was full throttle towards Tickle. He knew exactly what he was doing. This guy is a liability to AMA. He’s a sore loser and a cry baby. I mean, who cries over winning a heat race?! Seriously? It’s a heat race, not the main event. I’m personally glad Alessi has been taken out of this season. I never liked him from the start. And go ahead and start the “you’re a girl, you don’t even know what you are talking about” comments. I’ve been riding dirt bikes since I was 3 AND I’ve attended every supercross in Atlanta. Oh, and when the race is on I’m glued to the tv. Because football to a man is supercross to me. I know more about supercross than half the guys I hang out with. Just saying. So don’t even start.
not even a doubt totally intentional , Alessi should be banned from racing ever again …..period