Photo by: Octopi

After winning the Las Vegas SX for the second straight year—his only win of ’18—and losing out on calling himself a Champion by just two points for the second straight year, Monster Energy / Pro Circuit / Kawasaki’s Adam Cianciarulo sits down (literally; his knee hurt) to talk to MotoXAddicts’ Dan Lamb.

While AC had just accomplished arguably the most impressive win of his career, it was overshadowed by three Champions being crowned and his announcement that he was not racing outdoors in favor of repairing his torn ACL. With that, the interview is a really honest six minute look into where AC’s head is at. With someone like Adam if you want an honest answer to a question you have, just ask it. Adam answers candidly about the win, losing the title by just two points two years in a row, his knee injury, his career path so far, his physical and mental changes since turning pro and more.


Dan Lamb is a 12+ year journalist and the owner of MotoXAddicts.

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