2019 450 SX Purse Payout as well as the 2017 250 SX purse. We could not find the updated 2019 version for the 250 class, but 2017 is close.

Every rider that makes the night show does get a check in the mail for that event. While the majority of a SX riders’ income comes from their team and personal sponsors, for some of the privateers their race checks are a huge portion of their income. Which will always bring up the “is the purse enough” question that will forever linger in SX.

The 450 purse will at least put a little money in a privateers pocket if they’re making the night shows, but the 250 purse is a tough one to swallow for a 250 privateer trying to get to every round of a regional series.

If a 450 rider makes every night show but no mains, he’s cashing in somewhere between $17,340 and $23,290 in purse money for the 17 race series.

If a 250 rider makes every night show but no mains, he’s only cashing in $4608 in an 8 round series or $576 a night (2017 pay scale).

You have to wonder if there’s a way they could get the privateers a little more coin and I also wonder if some of the million dollar factory riders are like Ty Webb [Chevy Chase] in Caddyshack with uncashed checks they don’t care about all over their house


Dan Lamb is a 12+ year journalist and the owner of MotoXAddicts.

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