We don’t know a lot about Chad Reed’s deal at this point, but his wife, Ellie Reed, just put out a huge announcement from her Instagram that puts Chad on the line at the 2019 Monster Energy Cup on a CBDMD.com / Honda. “It always seems impossible until it’s done,” Ellie said from Instagram. “Las Vegas here we come !!! Clearly I was the boss of this operation ! But truth is these guys are amazing!!”

As per usual, Chad always seems to do whatever it takes to get the #22 to the line, and we are pumped to see him debut his new Honda this weekend. We will be at the race and will try to find out more for you there.

You can check out Ellie’s post and 3 photos below.

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IT ALWAYS SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE UNTIL IT IS DONE! Las Vegas here we come !!! Clearly I was the boss of this operation ! But truth is these guys are amazing!!! @crtwotwo @sheetmetal220 @dantruman101 @jonnyomoto @bundybuilt The brands we choose and the ones to help make this possible: Thankyou! @cbdmd.usa @mtn_motorsports @boostaus @foxmoto @knobbyunderwear @armasport @procircuit78 @dasaracing @webcamshafts @hinsonracing @evanswaterlesscoolants @acerbisusa @maximausa @dubyausa @cp_carrillo @factoryeffex @no_toil @ridedunlop @athenamotorsport @galferusa @protaper @vpracingfuels *we added the TwoTwo Motorsports logo for something special and we brought in @jbeuler & @thereal_goose for the weekend to help out!! The nostalgia of going racing in a box van and tent , with our best friends and people who have our backs! We created a racing effort in 10 days! There is no i in team. Name 1 rider that is more committed in this sport than the 22 ?? I’ll wait …. 🙌🏼❤️ #thisismoto #22 #twotwomotorsports #chadreed #bosslady #bestfriends #thankful

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Dan Lamb is a 12+ year journalist and the owner of MotoXAddicts.

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