With the novel coronavirus sweeping through the US and reaping havoc along the way, motocross tracks all over the country were forced to shut their doors in favor of strict state social distancing and stay at home guidelines. During that time, many of you have taken this unexpected free time to get the bikes ready to rip for when the virus permits and it looks like tracks all over the US are beginning to reopen their doors sooner than many of us expected. And it could not have come at a better time with the beautiful weather coming for most of us.

Check your local tracks website, Facebook or Instagram page to see exactly when they will be opening back up and let’s all make sure to follow whatever social distancing guidelines are in place so we keep this virus in check and not f%$k it up for everyone else. Let’s hope we have survived the worst of this COVID-19 chapter and can soon put it in the history books.

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WHO WANTS TO RIDE??? We received the best phone call today! The San Bernardino County Regional Parks Department reached out to us and told us we can open for practice. We couldn't be more excited to share the news with you as I'm sure you can't wait to get back on your bike and ride. We will also be giving away the "I've Already Got My Mask" stickers to everyone through the gate (while supplies last). We will be opening with new practice days and times: Saturday: 8am to 4pm Sunday: 9am to dusk Tuesday: 8am to dusk Thursday: 8am to dusk As you might guess, we have implemented new social distancing guidelines that will help keep riders safe. Those are listed below. GLEN HELEN RACEWAY SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIREMENTS No spectators, photographers, and/or trainers allowed. Riders under 18 may have a single parent/guardian with them. All attendees must wear face protection during attendance when not wearing a helmet. No high-risk persons allowed (as determined by health department). Anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is not allowed. Attendees must park vehicles at least 10 feet apart and maintain at least 6 feet between each other at all times inside the park. Maximum number of attendees is 75 at any given time. No events or group activities allowed. Bathrooms will be open and available to 1 person at a time. Both have hand wash stations. Bathrooms will be sanitized periodically to maintain cleanliness. All bleachers and seating areas are closed. We look forward to seeing Glen Helen come back to life! #glenhelenraceway #glenhelenmx #feelthespeed #thankscountyofSB

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Dan Lamb is a 12+ year journalist and the owner of MotoXAddicts.

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