Rockstar / Husqvarna’s RJ Hampshire decided to get his ACL surgically reconstructed after the announcement that FELD was postponing the 2020 Monster Energy Supercross season due to the novel coronavirus.”Back in December I dabbed my knee coming into a corner and the handlebar came down right on top,” RJ announced back on April 2. “I completely tore my ACL, multiple tears in my meniscus and a fractured tibia. I had surgery early this week to repair the knee! A big thank you to Dr. Bowman and Vanderbilt Orthopaedics for getting me in during these times and understanding the urgency.”
RJ’s was being told like the rest of us were at the time, that Supercross would more than likely not be coming back until late in the fall so getting the surgery while SX was postponed would give him time to get his knee fixed and recover in time to fight for the 250SX East title. Unfortunately for RJ, FELD figured out a way to conclude the final 7 rounds of the 2020 SX series in June, which essentially ended what was likely going to be the best regional 250SX season of RJ’s career. The timing would also put RJ’s participation in the 2020 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship in doubt.
Whatever Dr. Bowman did to repair RJ’s knee, it must have gone well because today—just two and half months later—the #24 said: “We back!” I don’t think I have ever seen someone back on the bike that quickly after an ACL surgery, but I’m sure RJ and his Doc’s know what they’re doing. With that and the 2020 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship starting a month from now on July 18, RJ will have nearly a full month back on the bike before the opener in Indiana. Just one month on the bike after ACL reconstruction surgery is not ideal before you start suffering through the brutality of the AMA Nationals but, if he can stay healthy, he will be able to ride himself back into shape as the season progresses from there.