When news came out that there would be three Grand Prix’s in Latvia, we all jump up with excitement, and we should, its fantastic news. What we didn’t realize and probably should have, it isn’t a walk in the park organizing such an event in these times, and Infront has done an amazing job to get it all organized.
Here is some of the Safety Protocols for the triple GP in Latvia that Infront gave us to give you an idea what it takes for the riders, team members, Infront, and media to work next week.
Infront Moto Racing is very excited to see the return of the FIM Motocross World Championship after a long break. Though to follow general regulations set out by the local government, there are behaviors and restrictions that MUST be pursued by everyone in order to ensure the safety of all the paddock collective and fans.
Our protocols are based on three main points that have to be followed at all times:
1. Social distancing must be respected (2m)
2. Save a few exceptions, a mask must be worn at all times once at the venue
3. Take care of self-cleaning (personal health care and washing/sanitizing hands) and cleaning your work area often with 70% or higher alcohol cleaners/sanitisers
For the sake of clarity, social distancing also means no physical greetings such as hugs, handshakes etc.
At this time, entering follows an accurate protocol whose goal is proving that every cross-border traveler is COVID 19 free.
A list of countries that are subject to quarantine measures upon arrival is available here: https://www.spkc.gov.lv/lv/val…
As this list is constantly updated based on how many infection cases are recorded per country, it must be controlled periodically. Every attendant needs to be aware at all times of what countries they have been through (even if just for a flight transit or a car trip) and how these are classified in such a list.
If formalities listed below are not fully completed, the subject will be unable to join the event. Before arrival, two key steps are mandatory for everyone.
One: you need to have a COVID 19 PCR test negative result no older than three days before arrival in the country (note that arrival day counts as Day 3). Have the results always with you.
Two: Every attendant has to mandatorily fill in a Preliminary Self Declaration online whose link is sent to you on email by Infront Moto Racing. This declaration is engaging every single declarant’s responsibility and the information listed must be proven in case of an inspection from the authorities.
Old permanent personal passes will no longer be valid for the Latvian stages of the 2020 FIM Motocross World Championship, while brand-new passes to enter the venue will be given to each attendee, with special monitoring of each pass holder who enters and leaves the venue every time. Permanent vehicle passes instead remain valid and can be used.
The conditions of use of the new passes do include the mandatory respect of all applicable COVID 19 protocols, as an addition to the existing obligations.
Passes will be distributed at the welcome center of the event.
There will be a limited number of people allowed to access the paddock, media center, waiting zone, pit-lane, skybox terrace and other structures.
The access to the facilities is mainly ruled by the necessity of having a certain amount of space per occupant while there will be a maximum of 2 people per rider allowed in the waiting zone area.
Outside each office, there will be panel signaling how many people can stay inside at the same time, based on the stated principles.
The paddock area in Latvia is large enough to maintain enough space and distancing between each team/rider structure for all classes.
Public, as well as any local except for the working staff, will not be allowed to enter the paddock area and will only have access to the public area.
Temperature checks will be performed before entering the paddock.
Paper results will no longer be available to collect from the media center. Instead, a digital copy of the results will be available for everybody following this link http://
docs.mxgp.com/resultservice/resultfiles.aspx in order to reduce the unnecessary direct contact among people and the sharing of physical material.
Interviews will also be conducted with strict procedures in place, including the 2m social distancing and the wearing of masks. For any interviews, media activities inside the media center as well as press conferences, the media staff will ensure that all furniture, structures, and microphones, etc. are clean and sanitized.
Also for the podium ceremonies, there will be some different measures in place. A tent per rider will be set up behind the Skybox for riders to do their podium preparations, with a very limited number of people allowed to enter. Only the riders and the winning Team manager will be allowed to step on the Podium wearing a mask. Each attendee will maintain the appropriate social distance from one to
Entry forms as well as other procedures will be done digitally in advance in order to prevent unnecessary direct contact while only a person from each team can pick up the technical control sheets onsite during the administrative control times maintaining the above-mentioned distance.
Results: no paper results will be distributed, instead everyone can consult and download the results at http://docs.mxgp.com/resultservice/resultfiles.aspx.
MXGP hospitality will be up and running during the three MXGP scheduled in Latvia, though with strict COVID-19 restrictions in place and very high hygiene standards.
Even if an eat-in service will be available, due to limited availability of seats (adhering to social distancing measures), MXGP will also be offering a take-away and delivery options so that teams and other staff can have the comfort of eating at their own compound. All options require advance booking.
Wearing a mask will be compulsory at any time when not eating. Entry and exit routes will be clearly marked, with a washing station located at the entrance with a pedal faucet, soap and sanitizer.
Everyone must wash their hands and sanitize before entering. All food will be served and delivered on single-use plates, alongside with single-use cutlery.
Should at any point any of the staff, team personnel or riders (etc.) start to feel unwell, those individuals have to self-isolate and phone calls for medical advice. If this happens before traveling or during their travel, they shall not continue further unless their medical situation is cleared (COVID 19 positive or negative).
It is recommended to limit the number of interactions outside of the paddock and with local people, so attendees shall stay in the paddock and/or in the hotel, avoid unnecessary outings in order to keep isolated from the locals when not at the event and avoid contact with more people than is necessary.
Air conditioning or any other refreshment systems will be allowed as long as they’ll not generate strong airflows.
Hydroalcoholic gel and cleaning products will be provided in all common areas and available for use, make sure to use them often.
The recommended cleaning schedule is at least twice a day for all surfaces exposed to contact while cleaning products must be alcohol-based (70% minimum).
This protocol is first of all meant to guarantee the FIM Motocross World Championship restart, protecting all the MXGP Collective and the community hosting us at the same time and fully respecting the Latvian regulations.