
Jeff Ward


In Supercross and motocross, there are different levels of privateer. There’s the privateer that races for the private team, but makes a salary, flys to the races, has a mechanic and just about every other luxury a factory rider has, and then there’s the true privateer. The true privateer does not make a salary. He drives to the races and has to order his own parts just like the rest of us. At times, he…

This weeks “Race Rewind” is with Troy Lee Design/Red Bull/Honda rider Cole Seely. In Seattle last weekend, Cole went out on one of the gnarliest SX tracks ever assembled and absolutely dominated the field. In doing so, Cole recorded his second career Lites SX win, let everyone know his first was no fluke and showed he is a viable threat on any given night. Because of a couple of bad weekends, a DNF in Oakland…